HchiojiKurumaNingyo NishikawaKoryuTroup

Hachioji Kuruma Ningyo
Hachioji Kuruma Ningyo is a form of puppet theatre created by the first Koryu Nishikawa around
the end of the Edo period. It is called Kuruma Ningyo because the puppeteer sits on a small seat
with roller wheels-the rokuro-kuruma-and operates the puppet-the ningyo.This small seat,and the
fact that only one person is needed to operate one puppet,distinguishes Kuruma Ningyo from Bunraku,in which three people are needed to operate each puppet.This one -to-one relationship allows great flexibility and realism as the puppet and the puppeteer move in unison.

The Koryu Nishikawa Troupe
The Koryu Nishikawa Troupe,while continuing to perform traditional works of the Edo Period,
is forever seeking new directions snd fresh innovation in order to keep the spirit of the troupe,and
hence the performances,vibrant and creative.Hachioji Kuruma Ningyo was designated as an
Intangible Cultual Asset by the Tokyo government in 1962.The national government recommended that it be recorded as an Intangible Folk Custom Cultural Asset in1996.Performances are not
limited to Japan. Kuruma Ningyo has been enthusiastically received in a number of foreign countries. For more information on Kuruma Ningyo and Nishikawa Koryu Troupe,including membership,call or fax:042-652-1222 email kurumaningyo@jasper.dti.ne.jp


The chronological table
First Nishikawa Koryu was born in Ochiai-mura,SAITAMA.
First Nishikawa Koryu created the KURUMANINGYO.
Senuma Taro became a disciple of Nishikawa Koryu.
This was appointed by an  intangible cultural asset of Hachioji-shi.
This was appointed by an intangible folklore cultural asset of Tokyo.
This was appointed by an intangible cultural asset of Tokyo.
Nishikawa Koryu of the fourth generation won a prize for Minister of Education culture service.
This was appointed by an intangible cultural asset of Japan.
Nishikawa Koryu of the fifth generation did a performance to commemorate at the succession of the master's name performance.

Nishikawa Koryu of the fifth generation gives a performance now in all the countries of the world.